When we first got into the chicken business, my husband ordered some Jubilee Orpington hatching eggs. He ordered one dozen and we got a little Styrofoam incubator. We were so excited to hatch our own chicks. We waited as patiently as possible throughout the 21 day incubation period until finally it was hatch day. Lesson number one: don't expect a high hatch rate from shipped eggs! Our dreams were somewhat dashed when only three chicks hatched. They were beautiful chicks - little "blond" balls of fluff. Lesson number two: not all chicks that hatch will be healthy! One of the cute little blond chicks kept falling over onto its back unable to right itself. My husband tried to break it to me gently that this little chick probably would not make it. Those of you who know me at all, know that this scenario was completely unacceptable! No baby ANYTHING will be allowed to die peacefully or otherwise on my watch.
We keep several aquariums set up as brooders for the babies. I went down several times a day to set this chick up right and make sure she ate and drank. She was growing fine, but still I would find her on her back kicking her feet in the air. I quickly decided on a name for the cute little blond thing that stayed on her back - Marilyn (after another famous blond and for obvious reasons). Marilyn and I continued our daily ritual until she began to be on her back less and less. My diligence had paid off! Marilyn was quickly going from blond to growing her beautiful red mottled feathers. I didn't bother to notice what appeared to be hackle feathers.
One day my husband came to "break the news" to me once again. He said,"I've got some news about Marilyn!" I immediately thought the worst, after all she had gotten off to such a rough start. He said,"Marilyn is crowing!" I told him that could not be - I just knew Marilyn was a hen! NOPE - as it turned out Marilyn had grown into a big beautiful red mottled Jubilee Orpington rooster! We could not let any self respecting rooster be named Marilyn! That day Marilyn became Merlyn! Merlyn was one of our favorite farm pets and gave us gorgeous chicks! He had beautiful red hackles and saddle feathers along with the mottling that comes with Jubilee Orpingtons.
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